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BC796D Help Needed

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:04 am
by dedapr
My 796D is just over a week old and I’m learning new things everyday. It works well and I’ve heard a lot of interesting traffic. I just got the ARC-250 software and I’m using it now.

I’m having a problem w/ 2 very basic features. One is selecting / locking out & restoring what banks I want to scan and 2 is using the priority feature.

1- Bank L/O – When I press the # of the bank that I want to lock out a dash appears on the bank list that next appears when the radio is scanning. After it stops on some traffic and starts to scan again, another bank list appears that does not show a dash on the L/O bank and the scanner will scan that bank that I wanted locked out. It looks like there are about 4 different bank lists that show in-between scans & hitting the L/O bank # at just the right moment on all 4? to lock out or to restore a bank is very difficult. In other words I have to do it more than once to actually lock out or restore a bank and the timing of pushing the # button is critical.

Is there a way to have the radio stop scanning and show the bank list? So that I could L/O or restore banks w/out playing bank roulette?

Also, in the software under the set-up tab is a screen to lock out or restore active banks. I have tried this feature, but regardless of what options or “send data” I select on the send to scanner menu screen, it doesn’t seem to effect the active banks after the download. I just can’t get it to work.

This is really riving me crazy and I could use some advice.

2- Priority – Is there any way to assign a priory setting to a specific talk group? I can only find a way to assign priority to a channel, which is not what I would like to do. Again any help would be appreciated. :?: