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What does everyone monitor?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:51 pm
by Rescue Pooh
I usually monitor Heartland, CDF, USFS and SDFD. I also monitor SDPD and CHP on occasion.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:40 pm
by w6pix
Since I'm involved in news I scan a lot of things: I scan, in the mobile, by default until I hear something interesting the following:

RS Trunk Tracker: SDFD 7A and the CMD channels
LoBand CHP SD/Oceanside
780: SDPD Disp
780: HF Disp, CVF Disp, Law Air, L S CMD's, couple others
VHF Radio: CDF Monte Vista
Ham Rig: Marine emerg channels
Motrola Spectra: NCPD NCFD
Few other handhelds for misc listening
UHF rig: misc

The 2 780's and Spectra have just about everything so when I hear something of interest, I can quickly reconfigure.

While in the house, got an old BC235 for SDFD, pro2006 for CHP, another RS trunker, usually on SDPD and a VHF, a UHF and a HAM rig for whatever. Also a Yeasu FRG8800 for HF listening.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:47 am
by Lincoln3
Wolfie I think the government may just want a word with you.

I monitor SDPD & SDFD primarily and on occasion CHP and some aviation freqs.


Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 8:34 pm
by etotman
I like to listen to local sheriff and fire dispatch, and fire, med, police air. If it's really quiet I search city trs. Usually something interesting going on there, especially at night on the weekend.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 9:28 pm
by W6FE
Just getting back at it after a few years away from scanning. I like to listen to Chula Vista PD and San Diego City and County pd's in general.
It reminds me that I do belong at home after dark.

John W6FE

All kindsa stuff

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 2:48 pm
by 318
In the NAV (News Assault Vehicle), I'm set up like this:

LB X9000: CHP Orange/Tan/Gold/Blue/Etc...
VHF X9000: CDF/USFS/OES/HAM/Misc other VHF crap
UHF X9000: Media/Ham
800 Spectra: Heartland/Inland/Chula/Dipatches and CMDs
800 Spectra: SDPD D1's
800 Astro Spectra: South Cell LAW Dispatchs (ECPD, LMPD, CVPD, SDSO)
800 Saber SI: SDFD Dispatch/CMDs/TACs
800 Astro Saber: Eaither NCPD or North Cell LAW and Fire Dispatches

At home I use mostly redundantly programmed Uniden BC780's (5 of them). I can hear 'everything' analog in the county and beyond with those radios. I have antennas on the roof. I also use an Astro Spectra for the digital stuff and then a VHF X9000, and a UHF X9000 at home for TX.



Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:19 pm
by Batman2150
Some of us listen to EVERYTHING! Where should I start?

Something we don't listen to enough are the federal frequencies. We missed the last crash at North Island because of that. Wormwood scooped us on that one.

Oh, by the way, North Island base security is on 143.545.