Department of Defense (380 MHz) System

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Department of Defense (380 MHz) System

Post by Brian »

Talkgroups Heard on other sites
31515 Voice
31972 Voice

System Name: Department of Defense (380 MHz)

Site 14C 0506 (San Diego County) might be for Miramar?.
Haven't heard any talkgroups yet.


United States Marine Corps West (14C)

TKs for the info fotoguy
I hear this system 10-2 with my stubby 800 antanna on 396. from Escondido must be on a tall hill somewhere.
Last edited by Brian on Tue Dec 11, 2007 7:58 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by fotoguy »

I have it on GOOD word that Miramar is getting 2 new towers on in east miramar and a 2nd on the main area of the base. This is for the 400 Mhz system they currently have to expand covrage.
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DOD 380 MHz System

Post by jjwool »

Is there much traffic on the San Diego County sites? I just got my 396 and programmed in the 3 frequencies as APCO 25,but haven't had any hits while I've been listening.

Tks for any replies :)
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Post by Brian »

I left a scanner on site 506 for half a day last week didn't get one talkgroup.

I don't know about Site 507. Listen for about 5 mins today and didn't hear anything.

It might just be data stuff they are using or it's so new there isn't any users on it and still setting the system up still.
Last edited by Brian on Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by fotoguy »

its not up yet
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DOD 380 MHz System

Post by jjwool »

I was scanning the other day and I think it was hitting on site 506, but the only thing I saw on my 396 screen that was different were the letters "DAT". Maybe this indicates data?
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Post by SkipSanders »

The consensus around the country seems to be that the 380-400 trunk systems are an intertied nationwide system, or rather, will be.

While they're being built, some clear voice is being heard from testing and limited use, but again, the expectation is that once the full system goes live, it will be encrypted all the time.

Until the system DOES go fully active, we can't really know, though.
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Post by Brian »

The system techs were out playing again today on DOD380 site 507...
on Talkgroup 31515 with 59 hits on the counter.

plus I can confirm(heard) all 7 sites are running still as of this week.
Site 508 was the weakest signal of them all! All the others were great signal for me to track.

Talkgroups heard so far
31515 Voice
31972 Voice
Last edited by Brian on Tue May 29, 2007 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Brian »

31010 = 41 hits (some type of fire dept drill, IC etc with hazmat) :D on Site 504. On a Military base some where. part of the dill is on 'Delta Lock down' due to the hazmat smoke.

31515 = 32hits - Radio Tech Romero
31009 = 49hits - Fire Dept Drill Dispatch "Vandegrift blvd(Camp Pendleton)"
31010 = 116 hits - Fire Dept Drill EOC - "Talked about taking the CNN helo out @17mins mark"
31971 = 147 hits - Uniform callsign people
31001 = 22 hits - 'Test Test Test'

31502 =(Telephone Maintenace) 'Installer 16' 'Oscar 16' 'oscar 14' 'oscar 12'
31504 = 'Test 1 2' 42 32 33 40 52'Bucket Truck' programming/Installing Radios, Joe.(whole base is getting new radios)
(The faber Cable #52125 in 25area got cut--16min mark)..'Tango''Oscar38,58'

31506 = tango 12' '16 to 14' talking about getting radios programed, 'All Radio Installer' 'Oscar'
31515 =(Electonics Maintenance)(Radio Tech) 'person name: Fernando'
31971 = 'Uniform #' (File not uploaded)

CH2 = Construction Channel
Last edited by Brian on Tue May 29, 2007 4:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Mickier »

Logged 25 April 2007:

I was at a high school track meet in Orange County under Santiago Peak.

I had my scanner in search mode, so I don't know for certain which Sites these frqs. belong to and I was having trouble with adjusting the P25 level while in TRS mode.
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