800 MHz Rebanding Progress - Started in 2002 and Completed in 2021

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FCC "Expidites" 800 MHz Rebanding w/new Order &

Post by Brian »

:o ------------------------------- :lol: ------------------------------------- :D

In today's Memorandum Opinion and Order, the Commission determined
that Sprint did not meet the interim 18-month rebanding benchmark
established by prior orders, and established additional benchmarks to
ensure that the rebanding process proceeds expeditiously. The Order
also requires Sprint to complete clearing of all Channel 1-120
incumbents in non-border areas, other than Sprint and SouthernLINC, by
December 26, 2007. In addition, Sprint must clear its own Channel
1-120 facilities, and those of SouthernLINC, within 90 days of a
request by a public safety licensee to use those channels. For any
public safety request made on or after January 1, 2008, Sprint will be
required to clear the necessary spectrum within 60 days of the request.

The Commission also affirmed that at the end of the 36-month
transition period on June 26, 2008, Sprint must vacate its remaining
spectrum in Channels 1-120, as well as other portions of the 800 MHz
band that are to be made available to public safety in accordance with
prior Commission orders. Under limited circumstances, Sprint may
petition to remain on Channel 1-120 channels.

NOTE: The full text of the Order (07-167) was not available on the
FCC's web site at the time of this post nor was the companion Public
Notice (07-168) referred to in the News Release, in which the
Commission set forth new procedures and guidance to expedite the
rebanding process for all parties involved, including public safety,
Sprint, equipment vendors, and the 800 MHz Transition Administrator.

FCC News Release:
http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/a ... 6578A1.doc
http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/a ... 6578A1.pdf

New 800 MHz MO&O:

http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/a ... -167A1.doc
http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/a ... -167A1.pdf

New 800 MHz Public Notice

http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/a ... -168A1.doc
http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/a ... -168A1.pdf
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Post by mike »

Will the radioshack Pro-96 still work with the RCS after re banding is finished?
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Post by Brian »

Another thing to think of Mike. The Pro96 doesn't track 700Mhz Freqs. (if the NEW RCS System P25 9600 uses it in 2009-2011.

Check out the Wiki :)

Rebanding supported? YES
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Post by OSW »

The Pro-96, 2096, GRE 500 and 600 will support rebanding without needing a firmware upgrade. The Uniden's will only support rebanding with a firmware upgrade. Note, this only applies to trunktracking 800MHz Motorola 3600 systems like what SD City and County use.

I'm curious to see if anyone does in fact produce a firmware upgrade as Motorola has patented the process to decode and properly calculate the new remapped frequency assignments.
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Post by Mav7200 »

I am sure that someone will figure out a way to do it given that companies like Microsoft patents all their security measures and all it takes is some 12 year old kid from Kiev a few hours to crack it....
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Post by w6pix »

OSW wrote:
I'm curious to see if anyone does in fact produce a firmware upgrade as Motorola has patented the process to decode and properly calculate the new remapped frequency assignments.
I wouldn't worry.. The original trunking stuff was also patented.Scanner companies just figured their own way to follow the data channel.. that's why the scanners are not perfect at following patches and multiselect.. they did a half assed job

It's no magic regarding the remapped freqs. The control channel sends down channel numbers, and the radio or scanner only has to have a look up table to know what channel is what freq. That's why rebanding will screw up the trunk scanners, cause their embedded table won't be correct anymore. The scanners that are firmware upgradeable will easily have their freq/channel look up table updated. The older one with ROM as opposed to flash or EEPROM chips can't be updated. I suspect that possibly someone will go to the trouble of taking a ROM out of an old scanner, read it and correct the lookup table and get it working.

Also, of the table of channels after rebanding, only one freq. that the city of SD uses is slated to even be changed.. They could opt to drop that freq and not even reband.... As far as I can tell it will still trunk correctly after the change except when that ONE freq. is called up.

The FCC assigns the standard channel number to freq. table.
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Post by OSW »

The patents for the old Motorola trunking format were written a long time ago. I've had the chance to read over these new patents and it's evident they wrote them in an attempt to stop scanner manufacturers from including the calculation process.

And the new rebanded freqs don't follow the FCC channel ID's. The new table is posted over on RadioReference and confirmed to work.
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Post by Brian »

o Nextel rebanding: The FCC has extended the mandatory negotiation periods for border area NPSPAC (Stage 2) and non-NPSPAC (Stage 1) licensees in Wave 4 to July 1, 2008, and has postponed the beginning of the mediation period for such licensees until July 2, 2008:
http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/a ... -766A1.doc
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Post by Brian »

From the RCS Board Minutes:

7.2 Regulatory Issues Update - US and Mexico are close to agreement on spectrum issues
along the border. Southern CA has the major activity. RCS need to do some clearing to
allow Mexico to shift up 3 megahertz and to clear the bottom 3 megahertz of the band. The
next meeting between the two (2) countries is later this month in Mexico City. Staff has
been approached by FCC staff and the technical team of the Transition Administrator about
putting a meeting together next month to address what the whole processes would be.


7.2 Regulatory Issues Update - There had a meeting last week attended by the City of San
Diego, FCC Public Homeland Security Bureau, and the 800MHz Transition Administrator
regarding Rebanding. The US-Mexico negotiations have reached a point to implement the
plan. The goal is to finalize the plan by August 2008. It has been decided to reband the
whole system
. If this happens, Interference issue will go down and there will be freedom in
spectrum allocation along the border.
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Post by 800 »

Brian wrote:From the RCS Board Minutes:

... "The goal is to finalize the plan by August 2008."
Well, that date came and went, with no bi-national meeting. At this point, we're still on hold.

[Diplomatic matters do tend to move in geologic time frames, and here is a fine example...]
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