Oceanside Police orders Encryption Kits from Motorola - December 2021

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Oceanside Police orders Encryption Kits from Motorola - December 2021

Post by Brian »

Oceanside Police orders Encryption Kits from Motorola - December 2021

Staff and the Police and Fire Commission recommend that the City Council authorize a budget appropriation in the amount of $142,151 from the Evidence Trust Fund to the Police Department and approve a purchase order in the amount of $293,027 to Motorola Solutions for the purchase of upgraded replacement mobile radios that are encryption capable and multi-key, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) software upgrade kits for the Police Department, and authorize the Financial Services Director, or designee, to execute the purchase order.

The Police Department currently has twenty-nine (29) mobile radios that are unencryptable. Those 29 radios need to be replaced with mobile radios that are encryption capable. Additionally, the department has two-hundred fourteen (214) encryption capable mobile and portable radios that need to have multi-key and AES encryption software installed into them. The replacement of unencryptable radios and the installation of encryption software into those radios that are encryption capable, would bring the department’s inventory of mobile and portable radios into compliance with State and Federal law.

The Evidence Trust Fund will be used to fund the radio purchase. In the normal course of operations, the Police Department comes into possession of money that is subsequently placed into an evidence trust fund. The sources of the funds include evidentiary seizures as part of criminal investigations, money that is collected as found property, or money that is held for safe keeping. Pursuant to Government Code Sections 50050 through 50053, after a three-year period from the date the funds came into the possession of the Police Department, unclaimed money can be used to purchase equipment for the Police Department. All statutory requirements have been met in order to utilize these funds, which includes notices mailed to rightful owners, the publication of notices in a local newspaper, and the expiration of the three-year period from the original date of seizure.

The total cost to purchase upgraded replacement mobile radios that are encryption capable and multi-key, AES encryption software upgrade kits for the Police Department is $293,027, and will be funded through the Evidence Trust Fund and the Fleet Replacement Fund.

The total cost of this project is $293,027. The total cost to replace the encrypted radios with Motorola Solutions, Inc. is $150,876 and will be charged to the Fleet Replacement account 6206098315705, which has a current available balance of $1,023,037. The total cost for the 214 radios needed for software installation with Motorola Solutions, Inc. is $142,151. Staff is requesting an appropriation in the amount of $142,151 to the revenue account 500517101.4501 and to the expenditure account 5005171015330 of $142,151 and will be funded by the Evidence Trust Fund account 10120900045. The Evidence Trust Fund account currently has an available balance of $436,442. Therefore, sufficient funds are available.

Federal and State law prohibit the radio transmission of Personal Identifying Information (Pll) on any radio frequency that is not encrypted. Further, these laws and the relevant policies of the Federal Bureau of investigations (FBI) and California Department of Justice (CA DOJ) limit the amount and type of information that can be broadcast over unencrypted radio channels in order to protect sensitive Criminal Justice lnforrnation (CJl)
and PH.
PM is information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, such as an individual‘s first name, or first initial, and last name in combination with any one or more specific data elements. Data elements include Social Security number (or any part of), passport number, date of birth, military identification number and other unique ID numbers issued on a government document. The most common data elements
encountered during field operations include a driver license number or ID number. Furthermore, the CA DOJ previously gave all California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) subscribing agencies until December 31, 2021 to be compliant with these established requirements
(ref: DOJ Information Bulletin 20-09-CJIS).
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Motrac Era
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Re: Oceanside Police orders Encryption Kits from Motorola - December 2021

Post by Motrac Era »

This is a good illustration of a portion of the cost of using encryption.

What this doesn't say is that the department will probably need to add a 0.5-1.0 full time equivalent staff member to manage keys. That's an estimate. That person will have to be both radio system literate and qualified to handle federal DOJ information. Not many people are available with those qualifications and they're expensive. They will need safes and secure electronic devices to load the keys into the radios. They will have to coordinate with many other high-cost staff members at other agencies to implement this concept. The more you encrypt, the higher the cost.

You might think an agency could just buy radios with the capability and load a key. Sorry to report: it's far more complicated and costly.

Also unfortunate that this gets locked in as a permanent, ongoing cost to the agency. It locks you into otherwise unneeded software licenses and firmware upgrades.
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Re: Oceanside Police orders Encryption Kits from Motorola - December 2021

Post by 1railnut »

Would the individual agencies using encrpytion need there own staff to manage the keys or, since they are on RCS, would the radio system manager have that responsibility?
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Re: Oceanside Police orders Encryption Kits from Motorola - December 2021

Post by mike »

How about keep encryption off dispatch and use inqury channel's to run ID's and plates etc like what Palo Alto does alternatives, and computer's, also it's bad interoperability.

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