Ham Radio Outlet San Diego Closing its doors on February 25, 2023

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Ham Radio Outlet San Diego Closing its doors on February 25, 2023

Post by Brian »

Ham Radio Outlet San Diego will be closing. Our last day of operations will be on Saturday, February 25, 2023. It is with great sadness that we are closing the San Diego Location.

In late 2022, Ham Radio Outlet was notified by the building owner that they would not renew our lease. Since that time, we have been searching the surrounding area for a new location. However, recent extreme increases in rent and non-business friendly policies by the state, county and city governments have made locating and affording a viable location all but impossible.

We wish to thank all of our loyal customers throughout the years that made Ham Radio Outlet San Diego a premier location for amateur radio operators. Please remember that our website www.hamradio.com is available 24/7/365 to serve you and our Anaheim location is just a few hours’ drive away.
Ham Radio Outlet


Ham Radio Outlet San Diego Closing its doors
HRO In San Diego is closing its doors citing the landlord is refusing to renew the lease and that it’s just to expensive to find another storefront in California.
https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/c ... its_doors/

Ham Radio Outlet in San Diego will be closing 2/25/2023.
https://twitter.com/HamRadioBasics/stat ... 2719155216

The San Diego Repeater Association post about HRO San Diego closing.
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... 2420127848

Yelp reviews for San Diego HRO store.

Joseph Acevedo n6six
Manager, Ham Radio Outlet, San Diego, CA

My Memories of HRO San Diego - N6SIX VIDEOS

The demise of Ham Radio Outlet San Diego
It is a very sad time for HAM radio operators as San Diego HAM Radio Outlet is closing on the 25th of March 2023.
HRO is a San Diego institution. They will be greatly missed.

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